Recent time, I supporting a development team on customizing an intensive social network website with integrated IPB forum software. The main problems that the team faced are (1) very slow on accessing the website, and (2) the db is often crashed in the peak time (about 1000 online users). There are […]
Daily Archives: July 4, 2013
This tutorial mentions about common tasks that we need to do when deploying a website to server using subversion (SVN commands). This assumes that we understand how to install svn client to the server, and understand some basic commands in according operating systems (Windows, Linux, etc.) Checkout a new project […]
Lets start with the basics. The “netstat” command is quite useful for checking connections to your machine. If we wanted to see ALL of the connections (which i really recommend you don’t do unless you’re trying to debug something and then you should probably pipe it to a file) we […]
This article will explain about different kinds of PHP handlers and how it will impact to each aspect of an application: from resources usage to security level of each. Understanding pros and cons of each handler might help you save much effort on tuning your website performance. The original article […]
Normally MySQL replication will stop whenever there is an error running a query on the slave. This happens in order for us to be able to identify the problem and fix it, and keep the data consistent with the mater that has sent the query. You can skip such errors, even if […]
When working with replication on very big table, we may face problem when update table structure (such as adding an index, removing an index, adding a field, etc.). There are few cases (such as changing indexes) running a local sql is better than having it goes with replication, since the […]
If you are familiar with programming IDE such as MS Visual Studio, NetBean, Eclipse, etc., you might found that they come with their own formatting facility, but if you are using a multi-purpose editor such asNotepad++, then you may have to use a plugin to format your code. This tutorial […]
Below are some tips from WordPress pros from across the community. Many of the tips cover development, but there’s also advice on business, running your website and, of course, getting involved with the community. Image: Phil Oakley Tips For Developers USE EVERYTHING WORDPRESS HAS TO OFFER WordPress’ core can do a […]
It is easy to upload file from your local machine to a remote machine via popular file transfer protocols such as ftp, sftp, but how to transfer files between 2 Linux servers with command lines? This article will mention about this need by using scp. First, we must have scp […]