Today I restored a Cloudera disk to Proxmox KVM to try out this excellent big data open source. I think the procedure is not hard, but it is quite verbose and it might take time to find out where to find each option. So I decided to note here the procedure to Create a new VM from KVM disk in Proxmox.
- First, you need to download your KVM image from remote source to Proxmox storage. If you need to export the image, use the “Move disk” feature in Proxmox >> VM >> Hardware and choose local as “Target Storage“.
- In Proxmox, go to Datacenter >> Storage, select “local” and allow it to store “Disk Image” in the Content dropdown. Click OK to save the option.
- Next, create a new VM with the storage is “local” instead of “local-zfs“. This is an important step that you need to be sure you are choosing “local” and not other option.
- After creating the VM, do not start it. Copy and overwrite your remote KVM image to the folder “/var/lib/vz/images/VMID/” and name it with “vm-VMID-disk-1.qcow2“, You will need to replace VMID with your proper name.
- Then in Proxmox, select your VM in the left, choose Hardware >> Hard Disk, then choose “Move disk“. In the Target Storage, choose “local-zfs” (or local-lvm) and click on OK to start converting disk.
- Then, start the VM normally.
- Finally, you can unselect “Disk Image” from Proxmox >> Datacenter >> Storage >> local.