By default, Debian 7 comes with nginx 1.2.x which is a little bit out-dated. This short tutorial will introduce how to upgrade to latest nginx on Debian. First, add necessary wheezy-backports to the sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list): [bash]deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free[/bash] Then, update with the new source: [bash]aptitude update aptitude -t wheezy-backports install […]
Recently when switching from Apache to Nginx for osTicket 1.8, I found that some functionality does not work properly. For example, when replying to customer’s via SCP, line break character does not display properly. In addition, some ajax-based features are not worked any more. After digging a little bit, I […]
HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve superior performance while maintaining the development flexibility that PHP provides. This tutorial guides how to set up Nginx, HHVM, and Percona for Laravel Projects on Ubuntu. First, we need to update system […]
Nginx is commonly used for static content, and in many cases, it is used for video streaming. This article metions how to optimize nginx for video sites. Weeks ago I was trying to work with an application to convert and play videos using nginx and php, like any other “tube” website. […]
Virtualmin is a powerful and flexible web hosting control panel for Linux and UNIX systems based on the well-known Open Source web-based systems management GUI, Webmin. Popular web server associating with PHP-based application is Apache, but Nginx is also a good replacement for high-traffic websites. This article discusses about how to […]
This article discuss how to do full page cache with nginx and memcache. Since the cool kids at Google, Microsoft and Amazon researched how performance and scalability affect conversion rates, page load time has become the topic of every eCommerce store. Magento was once a resource hog that consumated everything […]
This article mentions show popular configuration notes in popular softwares on PHP-based server: Apache, Nginx, PHP, and MySQL. 1. MySQL Should use MySQLTunner tool to analyze query_cache_size parameter is used to allocate an amount of memory to cache the frequently executed queries and return the result set back to the client. E.g.: 128M […]
Have just read a great article about serving static files among many popular web servers. So I paste it here for future reference. This articles is published under this link. Update 1 (Mar 16, 2011): Apache MPM-Event benchmark added Update 2 (Mar 16, 2011): Second run of Varnish benchmark added Update 3 […]